Dpf Cleaning Machine; Our product is designed to clean clogged diesel particulate filter, catalytic converter and bilumum filters, especially in diesel vehicles. Being hot and cold, one of two different…
Etiket: <span>dpfmac</span>
Radiator machines are used to prevent the engine of your vehicle from overheating. Cleaning of radiator machines should be done at regular intervals. Radiators that are not cleaned will lose…
We can explain the features of Çınar Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Machine product as follows; After attaching the particle or catalyst to the nodule, it closes the lid and performs…
The particle filter cleaning machine brings the liquid 80 degrees first and then starts working. The cabin machine particle filter and catalyst are completely separated from the open working environment.…
As a manufacturer of Çınar Makina Dpfmac particle cleaning machine, our particle filter and catalyst cleaning machine is the first in Turkey and Europe in terms of working and cleaning…